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| Designing Woven Fabrics (ペーパーバック) Janet Phillips (著) How do you design fabric, where do you get your ideas from, how do you choose color combinations, and what can I do with my yarn stash? The book, generously illustrated with color photos and weave diagrams, is divided into three distinct parts. Part One covers the construction and weaving of a multiple sectioned sample blanket. Part Two describes the principal design criteria. Part Three details 50 original designs. Designing Woven Fabric is aimed at weavers who are already comfortable about making warps, dressing looms, and weaving in general, but who now want to design and weave their own original fabrics. 価格: ¥ 6,173 |
| Collapse Weave: Creating Three-dimensional Cloth (ペーパーバック) Anne Field (著) Collapse cloth—cloth that, when removed from the loom and washed, takes on an entirely different appearance as the threads draw up and create puckers—is the subject of this crafter's companion. Combinations of various weaving techniques are presented alongside photos and diagrams, providing clear instructions for sewing scarves, wraps, tops, and harem-style pants made from this fluid and unusual cloth. Additional chapters describe in detail how to warp the loom and add special effects such as double weave, supplementary warps, spaced cloth, overshot, and deflected double weave. Tips for those who want to spin their own yarn for collapse projects are also included. 価格: ¥ 3,581 (税込) |
| Handweaver's Pattern Book(ハードカバー) Marguerite Porter Davison (著) 手織りの定番のパターンブックです!!!4枚綜絖で織れるほとんどすべてのパターンを非常に数多くの写真と組織図によって示してあります。初心者から専門家まで織りをする人々に有益な組織の本です。 価格: ¥ 4,750 (税込) |
| Handbook of Weaves (ペーパーバック) G. H. Oelsner (著) Basic reference work with 1,875 patterns and full technical information for looming them.Language Notes Text: English, German (translation) 価格: ¥ 1,680 | | Fascination With Fiber: Michigan's Handweaving Heritage (ペーパーバック) Marie A. Gile (著), Marion T. Marzolf (著) Fascination with Fiber is the first complete look at Michigan's rich tradition of handweaving, from pioneer log cabin days to the contemporary era of digital computer-aided looms. 価格: ¥ 2,515 (税込) |
| The Handweaver's Pattern Directory: Over 600 Weaves for 4-shaft Looms (リング製本) Anne Dixon (著) A comprehensive introduction to the tools, equipment, fibers, and yarns used with four-shaft looms, this reference features patterns for 600 different weaves, including twill, zigzag, diamond, herringbone, and block. Color photographs and large-scale drawings allow weavers to closely examine the details, and the compact size and lay-flat binding is convenient for keeping near the loom. 価格: ¥ 3,584 (税込) |
| Handwoven Scarves Judith Durant (編集) 29人の作家さん達の襟もとを飾る作品が、「へー素敵だね」と思わせます!小さなものから体を包み込むようなものまで作品が50点 This book presents 50 handwoven scarves created by internationally known weavers and fabric artists. From light silk to chunky chenille, from subtle white-on-white jacquard to bold magenta and goldenrod plaid, from four-inch-wide neck wraps to three-foot-wide body wraps, there is a scarf here to delight and encourage every handweaver. 価格: ¥ 2,852 (税込) |
| The Big Book of Weaving Laila Lundell (著), Elisabeth Windesjo (著) Now fully modernized and available for the first time in the English language! Appropriate for beginners, study groups and experienced weavers alike, this world-renowned reference book provides all you need to know about handweaving in the Swedish tradition. With hundreds of templates, charts and drawings so clear you understand the steps before you read the text, this is a must-have guide for aspiring weavers. 価格: ¥ 3,012 (税込) |
| Tartan: The Highland Habit (Books on Scotland) (ペーパーバック) Hugh Cheape (著) The tartan's distinct pattern of weaving, its appeal to courturiers, history, the medieval love of display, the Victorian invention of the clan. The writer, an authority of Gaelic culture, introduces a section on each clan tartan. 価格: ¥ 1,279 (税込) |
| The Techniques of Sprang: Plaiting on Stretched Threads (ペーパーバック) Peter Collingwood (著) For at least 3,500 years, this finger-controlled technique has been used where a stretch fabric was required, but its revival today is based mainly on its many decorative and structural possibilities. 価格: ¥ 3,876 (税込) |
| ピーターさんのスプラングの本(ハードカバー)結のUsed Bookです Peter Collingwood (著) 上の本の改定前のものかもしれません。ハードカバーで蔵書としては素敵です。きれいな本です、前のアメリカの持ち主のメモ用紙など挟んだまま、送ります。やってみたことはないけれど、楽しい作品を見せてもらったことはあります。 中古価格: ¥ 7,350 (税込)  |
| The Techniques of Tablet Weaving Peter Collingwood (著) 絶版で貴重なピーター・コリンウッドさんのタブレットウイーヴィングです。大切なコレクションにどうぞ。 出品者からお求めいただけます。  |
| The Big Book of Weaving (ハードカバー) Laila Lundell (著), Elisabeth Windesjo (著) Useful for the weaving novice, this book begins with an introduction to operating a loom and the process of starting on a practice weave - from transferring the warp to the loom, through sleying, to making bobbins of weft. It includes a projects section featuring a variety of designs. 価格: ¥ 3,810 (税込) |
| Weaver's Study Course: Sourcebook for Ideas and Techniques Else Regensteiner (著) 織りでできそうな技、できそうなものやことが、おおよそ紹介されています。こんなこともできるのか、と言うものがきっとあるはずです。織っていて行き詰まった時やちょっと遊んでみたい時に新しいアイデアを生みだすお手伝いをしてくれるような本です。 価格: ¥ 3,977 (税込) |
| Weaving As an Art Form: A Personal Statement (ペーパーバック) Theo Moorman (著) Outstanding among textile artists is Theo Moorman, a British weaver who has taught extensively in the United States. Illustrated with beautiful color and black and white examples of her work are her thoughts on the design and aesthetic expression embodied in a woven fabric. The technique of weaving that bears her name is explained with numerous ways the Moorman technique may be varied and used with further exploration. Her experiences with commissioned works are utilized in a special chapter relating the problems and opportunities these present. 価格: ¥ 2,141 (税込) |
| Weaving Without a Loom Sarita R. Rainey (著) In Weaving Without a Loom, both basic and advanced techniques are demonstrated using pencils, wire frames, and even tree branches to create beautiful woven textiles. Color photographs show how to weave unconventional materials such as reeds, paper, wood, burlap, plastic, and metal. 価格: ¥ 3,715 (税込) |
| Reflections from a Flaxen Past: For Love of Lithuanian Weaving (ハードカバー) Kati Reeder Meek (著) Full color, large format 8.5 x 11", 495 photographs, 91 drawings/drafts/charted designs. Nine chapters include maps and regional dress; colorful research adventure; flax tools and faces from archival photographs; textile images and patterns; a gallery of 24 textile people and their work; charted folk designs for weaving and needlework; nine projects beginner to advanced; six contemporary projects; linen workshop: grow it, spin it, weave it. Annotated bibliography, glossary, index. 出品者からお求めいただけます。 |
| The Magic of Hand Weaving Sigrid Piroch (著) Author Sigrid Piroch expertly guides readers through everything they need to know about the art of hand weaving, including the history and heritage of this timeless art, how looms work, what tools and equipment to use, the basics of good technique, how to plan projects, analyzing cloth, reading and drawing patterns, and designing fabric for practical and art purposes. She then guides the weaver step-by-step through more than 10 gorgeous projects, including mug rugs, a scarf, napkins, pillows, towels, and clothing. 価格: ¥ 2,725 (税込) |
| Handweaver's Pattern Book(ハードカバー) Marguerite Porter Davison (著) 手織りの定番のパターンブックです!!!4枚綜絖で織れるほとんどすべてのパターンを非常に数多くの写真と組織図によって示してあります。初心者から専門家まで織りをする人々に有益な組織の本です。 価格: ¥ 4,750 (税込) |
| Tapestry Handbook: The Next Generation (ハードカバー) Carol K. Russell (著) You will be inspired by the ancient art form explored on these colorful pages. Treasures from museums and prominent contemporary artists relate the historic significance of tapestries and their limitless range of visual power. 価格:¥ 5,816 (税込) |
| Weave (Handmade Style) (ペーパーバック) Wendy Cartwright (著) Examines the traditional craft of hand-weaving and presents 23 projects. This book includes designs for garments and accessories such as shawls, wraps, jackets and bags, and homewares such as cushions and table mats. It features an introductory section that also explains the techniques of hand-weaving. 120 PHOTOGRAPHS (Paperback) 価格:¥ 2,965 (税込) |
| Overshot: The Best of Weaver's (Best of Weaver's) (ペーパーバック) Madelyn Van Der Hoogt (編集), Alexis Xenakis (写真) Such projects as heirloom linens, traditional coverlets, and colorful modern applications for scarves, table toppers, and wall hangings are presented, covering everything a crafter needs to know to design fabulous fabrics in overshot and its cousin star-and-diamond weave. 価格:¥ 3,566 (税込) |
| Creative Weaving (ペーパーバック) Sarah Howard (著), Elisabeth Kendrick (著) This colorful guide, featuring 30 spectacular fabric designs, shows just how easy it is to learn and how enjoyable it can be to do. Follow a thorough tutorial in the basics, complete with beautiful hand-drawn illustrations that lay out how to work with a table loom. 価格: ¥ 1,618 (税込) |
| Sheer Delight: Handwoven Transparencies (ハードカバー) Doramay Keasbey (著) きれいな楽しい本です。 The result is a book which is a delight to behold and a source of inspiration for your own transparencies. Besides giving you a gallery of phenomenal work being done in this area today the book explains how to do the techniques involved. 価格: ¥ 3,896 (税込) |
| Tartan: The Highland Habit (Books on Scotland) (ペーパーバック) Hugh Cheape (著) The tartan's distinct pattern of weaving, its appeal to courturiers, history, the medieval love of display, the Victorian invention of the clan. The writer, an authority of Gaelic culture, introduces a section on each clan tartan. Distributed by Woodstocker Books. 価格: ¥ 1,493 (税込) |
| Fiberarts Design Book 7 (ハードカバー) Susan Mowery Kieffer (編集) Fiberarts Magazine has produced another showcase of current fiber art. Within this 2004 edition, the various categories of the fiberarts are illuminated by examples of the best. 価格: ¥ 3,896 (税込) |
 | Fiberarts Design Book Six (Fiberarts Design) This beautiful book is likely to convince you that the most innovative of today's arts can't be seen on the computer screen or canvas, but instead on and in fabric. 価格: ¥ 3,896 (税込) |
 | Doubleweave(ハードカバー) Ursina Arn-Grischott (著) 3Dで立体的に描かれた二重織りの本です 価格: ¥ 4,457 (税込) |
 | A Weaver's Book of 8-Shaft Patterns: From the Friends of Handwoven (ペーパーバック) Carol Strickler (編集) パターンブックの多綜絖版で、ほとんど全編に渡って 織り見本の写真とともに組織が約1000も紹介されています。8枚綜絖をお使いになる方、これから使ってみようという方にはそばに置かれると心強い本です。 価格: ¥ 6,140 (税込) |
 | Weaving Overshot: Redesigning the Tradition (ペーパーバック) Donna Lee Sullivan (著) 100以上の伝統的オーバーショトのパターンが写真やイラストで解かりやすく解説されています。伝統的なデザインは言うに及ばず、新しいものも紹介されています。この本ではデザインのしかたも学べます。 価格: ¥ 2,921 (税込) |
The Best of Weaver's |
 | 二重織り This volume explores the amazing feats that can be done by weaving two layers of fabric on the loom--the technique that weavers know as double weave. 価格: ¥ 2,439 (税込) |  | Thick 'N Thin 太糸と細糸で織る 太糸と細糸をどのように使って織るか、すごく参考になる1冊です。 価格: ¥ 2,439 (税込) |
 | Huck Lace ハックレース織り ハックレースの作品が紹介されています。テーブルリネン、タオル、肩掛け、ショール、スカーフ、着る物など。 価格: ¥ 2,739(税込) |  | |
 | Twill Thrills 綾織り Included are more than 30 projects on simple twills, twill blocks, advancing twills, snowflake twills, networked twills, and damass. Complete directions are given for weaving glorious scarves, shawls, garments, and table linens on four-shaft to 16-shaft looms. Full-color photos will inspire and entice all crafters to read and weave. 価格: ¥ 2,439 (税込) |  | Overshot オーバーショット織り Such projects as heirloom linens, traditional coverlets, and colorful modern applications for scarves, table toppers, and wall hangings are presented, covering everything a crafter needs to know to design fabulous fabrics in overshot and its cousin star-and-diamond weave. 価格:¥ 2,424 (税込) |
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 | |  | Jane Patrick (著) This book is the perfect book to introduce weaving to the novice in an approachable and inspirational fashion. 価格: ¥2,435 (税込) |
 | Woven Shibori (The Weaver's Studio Series) Catherine Ellis (著) どうやって織るんだろう! Through breathtaking photography, clear step-by-step instructions, drafts, and dyeing tutorials, weavers will find the process is easy to work with and marvel at the unlimited possibilities. 価格: ¥2,102 (税込) |  | Mastering Weave Structures: Transforming Ideas into Great Cloth Sharon Alderman (著) The underlying principles that govern a particular kind of structure are explained, as are modifying the basic draft and choosing fibers and yarns. Comprehensive and detailed, the book covers plain weave, twills, satin, waffle weaves, distortions of the grid, three-element weaves, loom-controlled double weave, Bedford cords and piques, loom-controlled pile weaves, and crepe weaves. 価格: ¥4,953 (税込) |
 | Jack Lenor Larsen: Creator and Collector David Revere McFadden (著) Widely considered a dean of twentieth-century textile design, Jack Lenor Larsen has also collected the crafts of world cultures and related contemporary art for the last fifty years. The synergy between his design and his collecting is the subject of this stimulating book, which touches on the nature of creativity itself. Over forty of Larsen’s most innovative textiles are juxtaposed with the treasures that helped to inspire them. 価格: ¥5,286 (税込) |  | Textile Perspectives in Mixed-Media Sculpture Jac Scott (著) Textile Perspectives in Mixed-Media Sculpture celebrates the prodigious sculpture created by artists who operate on the interface of mixed-media sculpture and textile art. It reveals the inspirations, influences and creative journeys of over thirty contemporary artists, and explains the practical processes and raw materials they use. 価格: ¥4,624 (税込) |
 | The Magic of Hand Weaving: The Basics and Beyond (Tradition in the Making) Sigrid Piroch (著) Beautiful works of fabric art are easily achieved using the magical hand weaving techniques presented in this exciting new bookムthe second in the Tradition in the Making series.This book also features insightful and inspiring works of art from several hand weaving textile artists from around the world, as well as invaluable resource listings. 価格: ¥2,538 (税込) |  | Weaving Without a Loom Veronica Burningham (著) Create textures, patterns and colors using card, hardboard, picture frames and rings and other simple weaving techniques. For adults and children. Work with remnants of yarn and weaving sticks, too. 価格: ¥1,471 (税込) |
 | Handwoven Scarves by Interweave Press The scarves in this book, designed by twenty-five contemporary, nationally-known weavers, will inspire weavers-both beginning and experienced-to new heights of creativity in design. 価格: ¥2,523 (税込) |  | Ann Sutton (Contemporary Craft Series) Diane Sheehan (著) アン・サットン(作品集)です。 価格: ¥5,290 (税込) |
デザイン・コレクション Handwoven's Design Collection |
 | Weekend Weaving Projects by Interweave Press The 15 quick projects in this stunning collection can be begun and completed in a weekend. Each project concludes with details about the best way to finish the project, including edges, and washing instructions. ¥1,066 (税込) |  | A Treasury of Towels by Interweave Press A Treasury of Towels, ed. Handwoven Weaving towels, for my mind, is about as satisfying an undertaking as a weaver can start on. ¥1,066 (税込) |
 | Scarves and Shawls for All Seasons by Interweave Press This is a gorgeous collection of 15 scarf and shawl patterns for weaving. Sumptuous fibers such as wool, silk, and rayon chenille are used to create a variety of pattern, texture, and color that would tempt any lover of fiber arts. ¥1,066 (税込) | |