Handwoven November/December 2003

Handwoven November/December 2003

販売価格: 800円(税込)

SOLD OUT 売れました。

送料 180円 3冊以上 エクスパック 500円
5冊以上は一冊 600円 10冊以上は一冊 500円


On the Cover:
Waffle-weave blanket
woven by Terry Collard.

Inkle Band Babies: Waldorf Style by Christi Eales Ehler

Crayon Blanket and Pillows by Beverly Savel

Handwoven’s Fabric Forecast Spring/Summer ’04 by Daryl Lancaster

For Starters: Ellen’s Table Runner by Ellen Johnson with Francie Iverson

Future Fiber Artists: Fostering A Sense of Wonder by Jean Korus, Tori Derr, Tracy Kaestner, Connie Lippert, and Linda Hendrickson

Gifts for the Teacher: A Holiday Tradition by Daryl Lancaster

Felting on Handwoven Cloth by Loretta Oliver

Holiday Clothing for Kids: A Wool Cape and a Lace Pinafore by Suzanne Smith

Inkle Band Babies: Waldorf Style by Christi Eales Ehler

Weekend Weaver A Family Blanket for When You’re Home Aloneby Terry Collard

Crayon Blanket and Pillows by Beverly Savel

Fellowship Cloaks in The Lord of the Rings by Sandy Amazeen