Weaver’s Craft 21号
Weaver’s Craft 21号
販売価格: 1,280円(税込)
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Double Weave Pick-Up
Double weave is magic—at least it seems so the first time you experience it. The four-shaft loom you've been using to weave single-layer fabrics suddenly produces two layers of cloth, each of them in plain weave. Double weave pick-up exchanges the two layers in areas you control with a pick-up stick as you weave. Learn two easy step-by-step methods for working graphed designs in double weave pick-up. Projects include several Double Weave Mug Rugs and a Double Weave Checked Place Mat.
Also included:
- How to create your own graphed designs
- Warping double weave from the front of the loom
- End finishes for double weave