Weaver’s Craft 11号

Weaver’s Craft 11号

販売価格: 1,280円(税込)

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Complementary Plain Weave
Have you wanted a technique to weave place mats heavy enough to lie flat and smooth on the table but with thin threads for a variety of delicate patterns? This four-shaft weave structure has two colors in the warp and one weft. The warp colors alternate between top and bottom of the fabric, which looks like plain weave on both back and front. Patterns are easily adapted from overshot threadings.

Projects include snack mats, place mats, bookmarks, sachets, and pin cushions.

Also included
Choosing colors from a swatch chart
Making a ring of swatches

I copied information about the selvedges from the warp-     face projects into the balanced projects by mistake. Correct text
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