
入荷!Journal - Summer 2017

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Journal - Summer 2017 クリックポスト198円で発送します。 Summer 2017 In this issue we unravel more mysteries of the much-prized dye process, Turkey Red, under the expert guidance of Julie Wertz, and learn how to produce both red and yellow natural dyes using the same safflower petals from well-known author Jenny Dean.  Michael Crompton describes his design process from travel inspiration to woven tapestry, while Ann Fisher brings us back to basics with her detailed Spinner's Glossary.  Historians will enjoy Glenys Crocker's exploration of the capabilities of the warp weighted loom, while Beryl Cole's recently designed and registered tartan provided a unique highlight to her daughter's wedding.  Our Exhibitions Reviews have an international flavour, from Edinburgh and Zetten, Netherlands, to Georgia, Vancouver and Seattle.  Closer to home, Guild activities explore growing flax within the M25, coastal inspiration, alpacas, natural dyes...and then cross the continents to Kashmir.  Contents Unravelling Turkey Red, Julie Wertz, page 7 ,  Everything Worthwhile Starts in the Mind, Michael Crompton, page 12 ,  A Spinner's Glossary, Ann Fisher, page 16 ,  Reader's Showcase: The Cole-Dale Tartan, Beryl Cole, page 22 ,  Dyeing with Safflower Petals, Jenny Dean, page 25 ,  From Tabby to Twill on the Warp-Weighted Loom, Glenys Crocker, page 28 .
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