
Handwoven May/June 2013

販売価格: 1,100円(税込)

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Handwoven May/June 2013Color your weave with the May/June 2013 issue of Handwoven. Learn all about tints, tones, and shades with Sarah Lamb's article "Shadow and Light." Then, put Sara's lessons into practice with Rebecca Fox's color study towels. Nancy Roberts explains how to dye knitted blanks to create unique variegated yarns to use in your weaving. Also in this issue, Rita Hagenbruch launches the new Traditions department with an article about Swedish weaving swords and her happy shuttle towels (which can be woven with or without a sword). Other projects include Mondrian-inspired inlaid pillows by Robin Lynde woven using the Theo Moorman technique, shimmering chenille circle scarves in diversified plain weave by Susan Poague, cheerful twill spring bouquet towels by Laura Fry, and vibrant warp-painted scarves by Suzie Liles. Whether you want to improve your color confidence or learn new techniques like nuno felting and weaving with dyed knitted blanks, the May/June 2013 issue of Handwoven has what you're looking for.送料 180円 3冊以上 エクスパック 500円5冊以上は一冊 600円 10冊以上は一冊 500円送料はなるべく安く送ります。


画像: Handwoven May/June 2013
Four Blocks on Four Shafts:
Summer and Winter Towels
by Sarah H. Jackson
画像: Handwoven May/June 2013
Doubleweave Curtains Scarf
by Anneke Kersten
画像: Handwoven May/June 2013
Mondrian in Moorman Pillows
by Robin Lynde
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