
The Goat in the Rug (ペーパーバック) ブランケットになったやぎの原語版

販売価格: 1,500円(税込)

[在庫数 2冊]


The Goat in the Rug ブランケットになったやぎの原語版Charles L. Blood (著), Martin Link (著), Nancy Winslow Parker (イラスト)送料 クリックポスト198円これはアリゾナ州の窓岩にすんでいるナバホ織の名人と、その友だちのやぎさんのほんとのおはなしです。Geraldine is a goat, and Glenmae, a Navajo weaver. One day, Glenmae decides to weave Geraldine into a rug. First Geraldine is clipped. Then her wool is spun into fine, strong yarn. Finally, Glenmae weaves the wool on her loom. They reader learns, along with Geraldine, about the care and pride involved in the weaving of a Navajo rug -- and about cooperation between friends.
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